
Showing posts from March, 2017

Performance Tips for IOS Application

Performance Tips for IOS Application At each step in the development of your app, consider the implications of your design choices on the overall performance of your app. Power usage and memory consumption are extremely important considerations for iOS apps, and there are many other considerations as well. The following sections describe the factors you should consider throughout the development process. 1. Reduce Your App’s Power Consumption Power consumption on mobile devices is always an issue. The power management system in iOS conserves power by shutting down any hardware features that are not currently being used. You can help improve battery life by optimizing your use of the following features: The CPU Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and baseband (EDGE, 3G) radios The Core Location framework The accelerometers The disk The goal of your optimizations should be to do the most work you can in the most efficient way possible. You should always optimize your app’...

Geofencing with Core Location

What is Geofencing? Geofence A geofence is nothing more than an virtual boundary that corresponds to an actual location in space. In iOS, a geofence is represented by an instance of the  CLRegion  class, which is characterized by a coordinate (latitude and longitude), a radius, and a unique identifier. This means that geofences on iOS are by definition circular. Geofencing on iOS As I told you earlier, the Core Location framework is responsible for geofencing on iOS. Location services are closely tied to multitasking and geofencing is no exception. By enabling geofencing in the background, it appears as if your application continues to run in the background. However, the operating system goes one step further by monitoring regions of interest even if the application is inactive, that is, no instance of the application is running in the background or foreground. The mechanism is not that complicated. The operating system manages a list of geofences and which applicati...

Object Life Cycle

An object’s life cycle—that is, its runtime life from its creation to its destruction—is marked or determined by various messages it receives. An object comes into being when a program explicitly allocates and initializes it or when it makes a copy of another object. An object can also begin its runtime life during unarchiving, when it is asked to decode itself from the archive byte stream. If an object was unarchived from a nib file, it receives an  awakeFromNib  message after all objects in the nib file have been loaded into memory After the creation and initialization phase, an object remains in memory as long as its retain count is greater than zero. Other objects in the program may express an ownership interest in an object by sending it  retain  or by copying it, and then later relinquish that ownership interest by sending  release  to the object. While the object is viable, a program may begin the archiving process, in which the object encodes ...