Method Swizzling in Objective C

What is method swizzling in Objective C and why would you use it?
Method swizzling allows the implementation of an existing selector to be switched at runtime for a different implementation in a classes dispatch table. Swizzling allows you to write code that can be executed before and/or after the original method. For example perhaps to track the time method execution took, or to insert log statements
#import "UIViewController+Log.h"
@implementation UIViewController (Log)
    + (void)load {
        static dispatch_once_t once_token;
        dispatch_once(&once_token,  ^{
            SEL viewWillAppearSelector = @selector(viewDidAppear:);
            SEL viewWillAppearLoggerSelector = @selector(log_viewDidAppear:);
            Method originalMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(self, viewWillAppearSelector);
            Method extendedMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(self, viewWillAppearLoggerSelector);
            method_exchangeImplementations(originalMethod, extendedMethod);
    - (void) log_viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
        [self log_viewDidAppear:animated];
        NSLog(@"viewDidAppear executed for %@", [self class]);


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